Astron RS-35M Power Supply Schematic
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September 16th 05, 05:26 AM
Posts: n/a
K4YZ wrote:
Does anyone have the schematic for the RS-35M, in particular the
crowbar protection circuit?
Sorry Steve but no gots.
Also, does anyone know of any RFI problems
within certain bands for this supply?
I have a VS-35M which is the variable-voltage version of your RS-35M
and I've used it to power rigs from 160 thru 2M and have never had an
RFI problem either way. Very quiet P/S. I also have an SS-30 switcher
and it's just as quiet as the analog supply. Astron "makes good stuff".
I agree...I've had this one almost 15 years now, and it's been
great. I did take a power spike in 95 from a lightning storm and had
to ship it then. As I remember then it was about $65 to fix it, and I
forgot what my out-going shipping is...The cheapest I can find right
now is $40...For that much plus what I am sure is an increase in repair
fees at Antron, I'd almost be better off going for a new supply.
K0HB said:
I have 2 RS35M and one RS50M in the shack, between them often loaded to
about 80A in aggregate. I have no known RFI problems from them.
(Sorry, no schematic)
Thanks anyhow, Hans...This unit had sat unused for almost 2 years,
and I didn't know whether to consider the failure during tune-up to be
due to that, or the fact I was on a band I hadn't used before. I had
made 1 QSO with Jim, N2EY on 30M a week ago and had no problems then...
The CH53A and D Sea Stallion's used to have a problem losing the
primary AC generators if the HF was tuned up on 7 or 13MHZ due to RFI
problems in the overspeed protection system.
Hopefully someone else can come up with the schematic for
me...I've got several feelers out.
Steve, K4YZ
Steve, my RS-35a took a spike and blew up many years ago. Actually the
MOV blew up, the rest just quit working. I ordered new power
transistors (4), a new regulator chip, and a MOV. I replaced all of
it. Be sure to screw the power transistors down tight. Then I turned
it on, and it worked again. But I'm not an electronics engineer, nor
do I pretend to be one on RRAP.
I'll look through my files and see if I have the schematic; the only
diff should be the meter circuits.
Dear Brian and Everyone else,
Thanks to all for the help, both here and e-mail...
Brian, I think the power transistors are OK, but will swap that
chip and see what cooks...Will let ya know.
73 to all
Steve, K4YZ
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