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Old August 16th 04, 03:15 PM
Posts: n/a

Thanks Greg.
I don't mind the bears at the Oneida County landfill...there's enough to eat
for all of us out there.
I think I may have located a 66 block somewhat locally, but I will keep your
offer in mind.
Thanks for your input into this newsgroup string and...and...I guess I'll
see you out by the "ALUMINUM AND TIN RECYCLABLES" container!
My best,
"G.Beat" wrote in message
Vern -

My brother-in-law is a fulltime fishing guide for Wisconsin (he has the
fishing shows, etc.)
and coordinates with other guides in Michigan UP and lower Ontario.
I have been up there a couple of times (once on business at Wisconsin

paper mills) and northern Minnesota.

Chuck, what should Vern do if the bear has the 66 block he wants? ....
hope he is the Hamms bear and will trade for a 6 pack? :-)


BTW, Chuck I just looked in my telephone parts and I do have a Siemon
S66M1-50 (4x50 66 block) with the mounting bracket, clear protective cover
and label strip (but no bridging clips) - just like in these instructions.

IF you can't find one, send me an e-mail.


"Chuck Harris" wrote in message
Mind the bears. The Oneida landfill always has a few
milling about.


Smokey wrote:
Thanks to all for the suggestions. We do have a Home Depot about 30

from here...HOWEVER...being the "scrounge" that I am and with

"gb" being in synergy with me , I think I might try the Oneida

landfill. Man that place is almost an electronics flea market...only

with odor. I appreciate all of you helping me out. Tomorrow I might

Pontiac toward Rhinelander and see what comes up.

'ppreciate it one and all!

Vern W9STB

BTW..."gb" how did you know my location? Are you familiar with

parts? Perhaps a neighbor? We've got bear, and deer and raccoons but I
yet to spot a ham!
"Smokey" wrote in message

Looking for telephone system junction box known in the trade as a "66
block." Prefer something that handles 25 or 50 pair and am interested

buying two of them. What'd'ya got laying around?

Vern W9STB