Fred Fartripper wrote:
"Dan/W4NTI" wrote in message
The best way to drive Baxter TOTALLY INSANE is to completely
ignore him. Do that and all his inner mental demons will fold back in
upon themselves and he'll quickly self-destruct.
why would you want to drive him insane?
Trust me it works. We did this to some clown who was QRM'ing
a local repeater (along with turning it off) and in the space of 2 weeks
he not only went away from ham radio, but he was arrested for
assault and battery on his girlfriend.
Gee In some circles they might say you were in part responible for that
I am not saying that the Boy Broadcaster will go the ape**** route
like our hero above, but he defiantly will suffer mentally as a result
of being shunned.