Carter-K8VT wrote:
Pete KE9OA wrote:
This morning was pretty interesting on 2 Meters. On 144.260 USB I
heard a couple of W2 stations coming in. They were not able to hear
...could have been the propagation mode known as "tropospheric
ducting", but...
I wonder if this was some sort of auroral propagation.......... the
reason I say this is because every so often I would hear a rapid
fluttering that would turn into a buzzing sound on their modulation. are right. You have described the "classic" characteristics of
auroral propagation. For this type of propagation, always point your
beam North, no matter where the station is that you are trying to work.
You are using the auroral curtain as a huge reflector. (If you weren't
pointing North, that could help explain why you didn't work them).
Lots of solar activity lately...good for VHF, not so good for HF.
North is good, but many times it's better to hunt around for the 'sweet spot'
which might be north, north east, north west, etc.
CW is a better mode for aurora contacts than is voice due to the distortion.