Thread: Superstar radio
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Old September 19th 05, 12:31 AM
The Magnum
Posts: n/a

C'mon Graham, you stated all posters are racists. Why would anyone post
a response to your query after that enlightnment?

Eh? i said everyones racist to some extent, even if they think they arent. I
agree i said that but what has that to do with a different thread asking
about the topic of the group (CB radios) Why drag racism into it for no
other reason you think i might be racist??. Everyone in their life does
something someone will take offence to whether it was meant or not. Besides
which most people recognise this statement to be true and not get upset with
it. If i watch a fight on TV between a black man and a white man i want the
white man to win... not because i hate the black man but would like to see
someone of my race do well. That would be seen as being racist by some as i
didnt support the black guy just because he was black... if i say good
morning to a white person on my travels then i see a black guy in a hood
walking past me who doesnt look like they are interested in whats going on
around them i would not say good morning... just because i would feel uneasy
distracting this guy... am i racist?? maybe i am, but i never said i wasnt.
Im tolerant but thats the point... you can have racist tendancies but be
tolerant of other races. I wouldnt want to date a black girl... its just my
preference same as i wouldnt date a ginger haired white girl... she probably
wouldnt want to date me either but there you go.
Besides which if you look close enough most of the Americans who post in
here have very strong racist views... so why wouldnt they answer my posts??
Cheers Jim,