I bought a new Icom 703 a while back for $390. What a great deal! You can
talk on it too with the right license or just use it to listen to. It's also
remote mountable. You can buy the 708 and it will pick up some UHF and VHF
but it's a lot more money and I have something a lot better for the higher
frequencies. I guess I could use my Yaesu VX-5 and an appropriate antenna if
I wanted something really tiny. Better yet how about a Sony SW100? I've been
wanting one for a while now but just can't seem to justify the expense. That
AOR-8000 is a nice radio...maybe, just maybe almost as good as my Radio
Shack PRO-39 and PRO-95
"JA MORAN" wrote in message
I have an aor-8000 and an aor-1000 scanner radio both are wideband from
500khz to 2000mhz or 2 ghz
I often listen to shortwave frequencies while driving to work or when i
drive through the desert...
I also have been known to stream radio australia or DEutsche welle on my
laptop while I drive....