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Old August 20th 04, 08:27 PM
hunker down
Posts: n/a

On 19 Aug 2004 16:35:09 -0700, (Dave) wrote:

What a bunch of assholes here! MY GOD! What I do with my
radios is MY DAMN BUSINESS. Where do all of you get off flaming
me just because you don't live in Tacoma Washington? I'll be
go to hell if I'm going to take the time out of my day to deal with
shipping 5 old AM radios! You have GOT to be kidding.

I'm in the middle of selling my home, and getting married in a week,
and run a business and I'm trying to deal with all of this all at the
same time, and pulling my hair out dealing with all the things I have
to do in a couple of weeks.

Unbelievable. And you call ME a troll!!

Some of you folks should be ashamed of yourselves.

And did I mention I have had 9 requests for the radios locally? Not
that it is ANY of your damn business. They're going to a good LOCAL
home and I'm done with it. ALL of your addresses have been
'kill filed' - I just expected more from this group.


WHY THE HELL NOT? This perplexes me. With all the packing services and
alternate shipping companies in the US of A this always amazes me.

Welcome to Dave. Steve Dinius is the group
idiot. If you can ignore him and a few select others it ain't too bad.
There are a few folks that think they own this group. You get used to
them after awhile.