Thread: Tons of stuff
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Old September 20th 05, 03:10 AM
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On Sat, 17 Sep 2005 13:59:39 -0400, JC wrote:

Floyd Sense wrote:
I don't know why you would so easily dismiss eBay, the single most effective
way of selling ANYTHING. You will, by far, reach the largest pool of
potential buyers there. I've sold a ton of stuff on eBay over the past few
years with very few problems.

I also like to use the classified ads, and and eHam ads are
effective as well. The problem with those avenues is that you have to deal
with a lot of tire kickers and others who have no intention of buying
anything. If you don't already have a Paypal account, it would be a good
idea to open one. You can move a lot of gear very quickly if you're not
always waiting for a check or money order to come in the mail. Granted that
Paypal will cost you a fee, but just bump the prices up accordingly instead
of insisting that the buyer pay the fee.

If you're near a large metro area, you might also check out Craig's list.
That's free to list and sell, but will reach a smaller audience than the
other methods. But, it might be possible to avoid shipping hassles as most
Craig's list transactions involve a face-to-face by buyer and seller.

Glad to hear that you returned from Iraq safely.

73, K8AC

Thanks, Its great to be back! There wasn't a whole lot of fun over there.

I have a PayPal account and I'm in the process of getting verified. Its
been unused for well over a year.

The only reason I'm dismissing EBay right now is that I noticed
yesterday that an awful lot of stuff (I used Time: Ending Soonest sort
method) doesn't seem to get any bids, so it didn't look as effective as
it used to be. As a matter of fact, probably 25% of my better
acquisitions came from EBay, most from 1999 thru 2002. Competition
seemed a lot tougher then, but then again, the economy is much tougher now.

I appreciate the quick reply and I'll look into your suggestions and get
a list together soon and post it here and

I guess the other thing to do is spend some time reviewing these
advertisement areas and see what various equipment average pricing is

For what it's worth, on eBay, you can do a search on an item
you have, then, when the list appears, in the left column, under
search options, you can check the "Completed listings" checkbox, then
hit "Show items" button to see recent sale prices. It may give you a
ballpark idea of where to start.

Good to hear you're home safe.


John C.