Scott Dorsey ) writes:
I doubt these are worth anything. When I was a kid people used to
move stuff like this to 10M AM, though. Invariably the modulation
levels were way low on the things.
But most of the time, the walkie talkies available to convert had
superregen receivers, and the transmitter was more or less making
the superregen stage a crystal controlled oscillator. The low modulation
came because one was using a speaker for the microphone, and there
was a mismatch along the way. Every so often, you'd see a bit of filler
in the magazines talking about this, and suggesting wiring in another
This may not apply with one using a superhet receiver. I can't say
I've ever seen a schematic for the transmitter in one, but since they
have added enough to make a superhet receiver, they may not be skimping
as much and the modulation levels better.
Michael VE2BVW