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Old September 22nd 05, 04:14 AM
Posts: n/a

JC wrote:

I am taking the advice of those who answered my earlier post and I'm
giving my first shot on Ebay with a Hallicrafters SX-122. Its a decent
radio, but does need a little work. Hopefully I haven't started the
bidding too high (although this is less than what I paid for it years ago).


John C.

Yes, I'm being a bit flippant but hear me out. One of the concepts of
an auction is to toss a piece out there as a means of unloading it and
let the market decide what its worth...or at least facilitate them to
get into a bidding war if there is more than one interested party.

A 'retail' price tag on a rig that a reputable radio guy is unable to
repair is a death blow to a sale.

I don't think your $99 expectation for a hosed up SX-122 is an
unreasonable goal. But that sounds more like an ending price than a
starting price.

Me? If I wanted to sell it and clear space in the shack I'd list it
with a frank opinion that its screwed up beyond hopeful, simple repairs
for 0.01 and let the market do its work. From my experience that works
better than "I want $100 for a radio that I deem as unrepairable".

Its a selling psychology thing, ya know...not a personal affront.
