"I AmnotGeorgeBush" wrote in message
From: (TNT)
Big deal, We can talk to Australia any time.
Now if you heard somthing from Mars then we
would take notice.
"thunder01" wrote in message
Well, you'll be hearing something soon..it will be a huge sucking sound
and it will be your tax dollars going to Mars. See, the out-of-touch
President Bush has these priorities and they sure as **** ain't yours or
mine or any of the "little people" who pay the majority of taxes. Latest
word from Bush is more government services are going to be cut (let's
start with the White House) to pay for portions of his laughable item he
refers to as a budget.
I was thinking along the same lines... we all know about the poverty and so
on in certain parts of America and all the suffering in the world which a
few dollars per head would make a difference.... then Bush announces they
will have another moonwalk within 10 years and a manned trip to Mars too.
Billions its going to cost... billions that the Average Joe American will be
paying in Taxes..... im glad you guys have so much spare cash "floating"
around there... please send me some. As for the moonwalk i heard hes paying
Michael Jackson to do that ;o)
Seriously though its about time space exploration went a bit further... we
cant milk this plannet forever, we need more to conquer and wreck
