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Old September 23rd 05, 04:54 AM
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Default "Hams to the Rescue After Katrina" MSNBC News Article

This is way off-topic. It has been asked to be moved to a more
appropriate newsgroup. Please take it out of these groups or converse by

Matt Osborn wrote in message
On Thu, 22 Sep 2005 21:01:10 -0400, Mike Coslo

Matt Osborn wrote:

If one were to draw any conclusion, it is that the religious act
within the framework of their well recognized beliefs while atheists
succumb fully to hubris as they lack any counter to their own whims.

I do not deny that both are fallible, however, history demonstrates
that the religious, despite their failures, have improved the human
condition immeasurably where atheists have been only a blight upon

Matt, I suspect you get your news (and history) from the 700 Club.

- Mike KB3EIA -

What's the 700 Club?

Let's not talk about me, I'm rather simple and boring. I find the
issue of humans understanding themselves to be fascinating. Please
contribute what you can.

-- msosborn at msosborn dot com

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