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Old September 14th 03, 05:38 PM
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Default Need HF DF antenna

Woof! You're now into uncharted territory. A few years back I needed HF DF
capability for a different reason. Got a lot of input on this topic, and
found out there is nothing available to us that will really do the job,
short of laying out lots of wampum.

I thought such eqpt might be scarce. But, I figured there was SOMETHING
around that would work. Turns out no one could put me onto anything,
without encountering exhorbitant cost. And,
some pretty knowledgeable and intelligent people answered up and explained
why there isn't anything available, without spending big bucks.

You know those old WWII movies where you see German vans with DF eqpt
driving around trying to locate spies? Turns out they were HF units. But,
it took three of them, in widely separated locations acting in unison to get
the job done. And, the triangulation wasn't precise. It took lots of time
and effort to narrow in on the general location of a spy sending.

Anyway, if you do find a way, please let me know. I no longer need the
capability, but am still curious if it can be done, and how.