Tivoli Model 1
They are nice sounding radios, but a bit overpriced IMHO.
NOT an AM DX machine either.
You obviously got a bad one, return it for a new one.
OK, a Tivoli Model 1 is not a shortwave receiver, but I do recall this
radio being discussed in here a few years ago.
Anyway, I decided to buy one today. I get home, open the box, plug in
the radio, and turn it on in eager anticipation of soothing FM sounds.
incredibly loud feedback!!! I thought maybe Pete Townshend was in the
room. Yes, I tried different outlets and locations, same result.
Has anyone else had problems with their Tivoli, or am I just lucky? I
was disappointed to see that, despite the name, it's apparently just
another piece of Chinese junk.