Lancer wrote:
On 25 Sep 2005 15:06:40 GMT, Steveo wrote:
Lancer wrote:
On Sun, 25 Sep 2005 09:55:31 -0400, jim
Steveo wrote:
Frank Gilliland wrote:
Got some strange tree action happening here. Aspens dumping their
leaves while still green, maples dropping their seed pods before
they're mature, Virginia Creeper turning colors before the berries
are ripe, etc. Anything like that happening in your neck of the
Yea, quite a bit actually, it's from the hot dry summer we've had.
hot and dry here which is good for the vineyards.
Hot and dry here also, the pecans aren't filling out. Unless we get
some rain real soon they won't be worth picking.
Did you get much from Rita?
No rain, quite a bit of wind. It went off to the east of us. We were
hoping for a big storm, for much needed rain. I was hoping that the
storm would hit and knock our power out for a few day, good excuse to
stay home. The only real effect from Rita was that everyone that came
up this way emptied out all of the gas stations...
Well at least you didn't get mowed down or flooded, but it would have been
nice to get some rain. Katrina brought around 3 inches up here when it hit,
and now it looks like Rita will dump some on us too next week. Hope you get
some soon.