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Old September 2nd 04, 10:00 PM
Posts: n/a

On 31 Aug 2004 23:37:46 GMT, (NI4K) wrote:

Hello folks,
I've got a Ten Tec SP-325 Receiver built to mil spec for the navy. In good
condition with the original manuals and I'm not sure of the current market
Anyone have information on the current value, I'd sure appreciate your advice.
I need to try to value it for insurance purposes.
Thanks for reading this and any help you can give me.

I second the other poster's statements.
The SP-325 goes for around $300 on places like eBay.

I also have one and checked with Ten-Tec about spares. Nothing is
available from them. They claim that they don't even have spares left
for the RX-325 - the civilian version.

This is an exception for them since they carry most parts for their
true Ham rigs built back to 1975 or so.

The SP-325 was built for the Navy to be used for training purposes.
It wasn't meant to be a first line, day in and day out main receiver.
When the Navy sold them off, all parts were discarded or sold as

Most things can be obtained elsewhere except for the vacuum
fluorescent display and the processor chip. If those go, you're
out of luck.

It's a nice little receiver - rock stable due to the crystal ovens.
The filters aren't bad. Just ceramic filters for the 6.0 and 2.8KHz
position but a decent crystal filter for the 500Hz position.

The only area in which the receiver falls down a bit is intermod
rejection, above 20MHz or so.
