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Old September 3rd 04, 10:04 PM
Steve Nosko
Posts: n/a

"Clif Holland" wrote in message
Remove the coil and unscrew it from the bottom. Turn the core over and put
it back in upside down. It has an adjustment notch on each end.

As to removing it. You don't need to remove the board. There is a trap

under it. Remove the AF unit and you will see it.

It could already be cracked. Leaving the old one in there sounds like a
good & easy idea, but if it can move around, it could later detune it.

I wouldn't call it a "pot". That sounds strange. I don't know just what
this slug-tuned-coil looks like, but have an 830s.

Steve N, K,9;d, c. i My email has no u's.

"Joshua" wrote in message
I don't know if this rig qualifies as a boatanchor, but I thought I would
ask as there are many here who are knowledgable.
I got the rig from a freind.
The 40 meter rf pot has a problem. The ferret core is bottomed out and
screw back (upward) or catch the threads/coil.
Is there a tip or trick to 'grab' the ferret core to get it to catch.?
I'd hate to have to tear the board out or send it out for service.
Any suggestions appreciated. Josh