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Old September 26th 05, 05:05 PM
Steven Swift
Posts: n/a
Default BC-348 modified for use as a BC-342 and BC-312.

Here's an odd ball that I discovered for myself-- probably you old
boatanchor people already knew this.

Hallicrafters built what they called the BC-348/342 for line powered
replacements for the BC-342 with a factory installed power supply and the
tubes wired for 12v. They also had a BC-348/312, which was a dynamotor
version designed to run on 12v (closer to a BC-224).

These seemed to be intended to go into the SCR-299/399 as the extra FT-178
brackets are part of the assembly.

I couldn't find a date or a reference to the Signal Corps anywhere in the
manual. The schematic shows a 6v6 for the output tube, so they weren't
made from the older BC-348.

Anyone know more about this? I am curious if anyone has ever seen one of
these. They'd be pretty obvious, a BC-348 box with the BC-342 big
connector on front.


Steven D. Swift, ,
206.301.8986, fax 206.363.4367 Seattle, Washington 98155 USA