Science Fair Globe Patrol (28-205)
I know this may not qualify as a true "boat anchor" as we know them to be,
Found one of these at a flea market yesterday. It isn't dead, but seems to
need some attention. Squawks and squeals more than it receives. Anyone have
any info on it? Schematic, builders guide, etc?
There are 4 coil forms in the unit. 2 have slugs, 2 do not, though they have
threads. I'm wondering if they were empty as new or the slugs came out or
were removed......
This receiver has coverage in 4 bands from 550 KHz to 30 MHz. I know it may
not be the "best" receiver, but if I could get it going to listen to some SW
or Hams or whatever , this would be a handy little receiver to stuff in a
suitcase. It runs off of 6 volts via batteries or adaptor. I have somewhere
in my junk pile and unfinished CW QRP rig for 40 meters I believe. It was
99% finished, but due to other issues became a WAY back burner project.
Maybe I can match the two together for a "away from home" station.
Any info you can share????