"N9OGL" wrote in message
"The new funding of $77,000--added to the initial $100,000 award, for a
total of $177,000--is gratefully accepted to assist ham radio operators
who have incurred expenses related to their volunteer service," said
ARRL Chief Development Officer Mary Hobart, K1MMH. "The per-diem awards
of $25 per day up to a maximum award of four days, or $100 per person,
will cover approximately 6000 'ham days' of service."
.....how much y'all want to bet some hams out there will try to scam this
program for easy cash by saying they're in the 'affected area' or similar
just like they used to do by selling licences via corrupt VEC's
at the hamfests testing sessions years ago..?
Ham Aid also will strengthen the role Amateur Radio can play in
disaster response by funding the preparation of containerized complete
Amateur Radio HF/VHF stations complete with radios, antennas, feed
lines, repeaters and more, Hobart added. These are designed for
deployment to disaster areas where the Amateur Radio infrastructure has
been compromised or additional equipment is required beyond what's
....yeah, and when the disaster is all over all that FED funded
radio gear will go into their private shacks for contests or
more likely be pawned off on e-Bay for the most $$$.
(Ham scammer: "Um...do you have the original boxes with
that Icom HF rig?" What do you need them for? "Ummmm...so they
won't get wet in the trunk of the car...?") yeah right....