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Old October 2nd 05, 07:00 AM
Posts: n/a

Jim Hampton wrote:
wrote in message

K=D8HB wrote:

The sheer stupidity of the premise is what
kept the Morse Forever warriors going......

Which has WTF to do with a company advertising for telephone linemen,

and subcontractors?

You should advertise for this company in a more applicable group. This
group is for the express purpose of discussing amateur radio policy,
especially morse code policy. Thank you for your concern.

******** AA2QA's reply seperator *********

What you do not seem to realize is that the folks that actually learned
something (before the multiple guess answers came out), just might have a
few skills.

Many don't. Or if they did, they have long forgotten them. Do you

These are usually folks that have a genuine interest in how things work, =

how to turn a knob or push a button or keys. This isn't to say that folks
that simply wish to talk are not welcome; they certainly are.

Such as epistemology?

Although I do not possess a college degree, I am a certified electronics
technician. I have repaired two-way radios (business and trunking radios=

I have done a lot of electrical control and power wiring. I have not wor=

in high voltage, but have done a fair amount of 277/480 3 phase work. I'=

climbed atop silos and repaired bag houses. Welded, soldered, cut, run
milling machines, surface grinders, lathes, and more. If a saws-all can't
do the job readily, the oxy-acetylene tourch will handle it well for me
(hmmmm ... wonder how that would solder pl-259s? LOL). Done EMC complia=

studies along with UL compliance. Come to think of it, ozone compliance.
Can you spell exponential decay? Come to think of it, I've programmed
slc-500s, Texas Instruments PLCs, Modicon PLCs, and more (including data
highways and ethernet). Even written a program to generate ladders from
simply inputting I/O assignments and letting the program know what I want=

have happen. Under 15 minutes to properly program 3 cells. Another 5
minutes to debug because someone wired a switch backwards (normally closed
rather than normally open).

It that anything like serving at at military switch 50 years ago?

The nice thing about amateur radio is that it encompasses a whole spectrum
of individuals, unlike most trade magazines. To me, advertising in an
amateur publication such as QST would make a lot of sense, especially if =

are trying to locate a number of different skills (rather than a number of
ads in different magazines or newspapers).

Reply to Hans. He has the scoop on the job you're looking for.

As to Morse, it can be fun.

Jumping into a swimming pool with weights on your feet and chains
around your body can be fun, too. Harry H. did it for a while.

If we had difficulty with it back when (for me,
1962), we learned to overcome that difficulty (not a bad thing to learn, =

my humble opinion).

Are you saying that the people of New Orleans need to learn to overcome

Come to think of it, as much grief as it gave me (when
memorizing dots and dashes), once I learned it by sound, I enjoyed it and=

1967 had perfect copy at 40 words per minute in the U.S. Navy.

Three hots and a cot and Morse Code to boot?

More than
40? I don't know; that was the fastest test they had back then. I would
have had difficulty much beyond that as we were banging away with manual
typewriters then. I might have (possibly) made 50 at most. Disclaimer -
that would be perfect typewritten copy filling close to a whole page of
paper. A few errors would have allowed me considerably faster copy. The=


Fan-fold paper would have been nice, huh?

I'd suggest rethinking your position.

Best regards from Rochester, NY

Rethunk. Hans posting is still off-topic.