KY4Z wrote:
nobodys old friend wrote:
Ky4z wrote:
nobodys old friend wrote:
simple question keep ducking it
when you going to admit your lies?
What lies?
your lie that you could could get me subjected to something "more than
merely anaoying
What lie?
your lie stated above
nobodys_old_friend wrote:
a simple question Stevie: when you going to admit that you lack the
power to any action taken against me by the state of michigan?
It is clear they are not doing naything, indeed they certainly of
circular filed or buired in deep file cabinet your letter by now.
when you going to admit failure?
simple question
What failure?
simple failure
WHAT failure?
your failure
I filed my concerns with the appropriate agency.
There's a file open in your name now. Any further reports or
claims by any other healthcare provider, regardless of where they live
or level of licensure, will go in there.
Just like the camel's straws, one of them will be the one...
when you going to stop lying or at least admit it
To "stop" lying would require having started.
you started years ago
when you going to stop
Steve, KY4Z