Modern/old powersupply-capacitors
I have a Hallicrafter-combo, SX-117 + HT-44, with a well-built
After not having activated the TX for say abt 10 years , 2 years
ago I tried a contact on 80, however got a report of very severe hum,
switched off, suspecting the PS-HT-capacitors, took them out,
measured too low resistances, started to ´rejuvenite´ them but not
trusting them anyway bought some new ones, but! roughly
the same voltages and capacitances are contained in a volume
abt 20% of the originals, what happens with heat dissipation,
are modern cap´s really so lowlossy? Can I use them, don´t
want any explosions in my basement!!
What´s the experts verdict!
73 / Per/ sm7aha