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Old September 20th 04, 04:18 PM
Scott Dorsey
Posts: n/a

pegge wrote:

I have a Hallicrafter-combo, SX-117 + HT-44, with a well-built
After not having activated the TX for say abt 10 years , 2 years
ago I tried a contact on 80, however got a report of very severe hum,
switched off, suspecting the PS-HT-capacitors, took them out,
measured too low resistances, started to ´rejuvenite´ them but not
trusting them anyway bought some new ones, but! roughly
the same voltages and capacitances are contained in a volume
abt 20% of the originals, what happens with heat dissipation,
are modern cap´s really so lowlossy? Can I use them, don´t
want any explosions in my basement!!
What´s the experts verdict!

Yes, modern capacitors are MUCH smaller than the old ones. It's wonderful!

If possible, you should use the capacitors rated for 105'C use. They will
last much longer than the originals.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."