an old friend wrote:
an old friend wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
"cut" - censorship
Hearsay evidence. Not admissable, stupid.
Stevie admited to emailing them
Liar. I notice you didn't offer up any proof of such occurances.
I did at the head of this thread but you hackem off
Funny seeing you (Markie) lambasting somemone about "hackem off".
Indeed I recieve form time to time an email claiming to be from K4YZ
with his picture and the banner the last you will see before you die
And I bet you are too stupid to look at the headers and see exactly
where it comes from.
It seems to be from Stevie was giving him the benifit of the doubt
It seems to me you are brain damaged.
Stevie is a Stalker
Why in the hell would he want to stalk you, of all people?
good question your first decent one
You still didn't answer it, though, dumbass.
becuase I don't have that answer, only Stevie might, and I say might
becuase I don't think Stevie knows why He is a complusive stalker
but it was a good question your best
The answer is that I have "stalked" Mark, I have never threatened
him, not have I threatened his family regardless of what gene pool they
emenate from.
Mark's claims are a long-established pattern of positioning
himself as a "victim", there by trying to undermine any challenge that
may arise to his rants and silliness.
Mark Morgan is a pathological liar. His mistruthfulness can be
followed back almost 10 years. He is a thief, a liar and is, in my
opinion, mentally unstable.
Steve, K4YZ