Thread: The weekly F.AQ
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Old October 8th 05, 07:42 PM
Conrad Poos
Posts: n/a

Polymath wrote:
What is Ham Radio?

Aha....the CBer returns. Welcome back good buddy!

The following posts are by Gareth Alun Evans, aka 'Airy R Bean', aka

_Sep 6 1997, 8:00 am_

As the result of holding a CB licence, I have recently received a
consultative document about the future of CB Radio in this country,
which suggests that serious consideration is being given to legalising
AM and SSB on 27 Mhz.
72's etc

_Sep 6 1998, 8:00 am_

A group of us in Wiltshire have just equipped from Tandy, standard
Midland 40 channel rigs. All work fairly well, range about 1/2 mile,
less if in trees. Get your aerials somewhere else, the Tandy ones are
too rigid and break easily. Most farmer's wholesalers have them.
New rig about £60, second hand about £20.

Don't forget your CB licence @ £15 pa.

As a radio ham, I was very sceptical at first (CB=Children's
Broadcasting, etc) But once we got them, they are indispensable. With
all the backchat besides the useful conversations, it makes it seem as
though everybody in the convoy is in one vehicle and makes for a much
more enjoyable day out.

_Sep 19 1998, 8:00 am_

73 de Gareth G4SDW (Also licensed CB),


Google is your friend


vy 73 de Conrad Poos

"Ich bin ein radio amateur"