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Old October 9th 05, 01:23 PM
Posts: n/a

deBaser wrote:

"Polymouth" wrote:

What is Ham Radio?


Why do you always repeat this stuff?
You need to move on. You are living in the past.

Many questions have been raised by the technical and other postings
made in the past by Polymouth and other - similar-sounding, probably
sock-puppets - proponents of 'ham radio'. They have meant that the
errors so made have had to be corrected, sometimes in a long thread,
or spread over several threads, or merely involving a considerable
spread in time. Should anyone require enlightenment, a Frequently
Posed Responses (FPR) is appended.

New items added. This is Version V. It replaces all other Versions.

[ ] In the UK, no repeat no licence of any kind is necessary to
specify, design, construct, modify, repair, own, or (under some
circumstances) test an Amateur transmitter.

[ ] A pass in a current examination for a UK Amateur Licence qualifies
the successful candidate for the issue of a UK Licence. Holders of the
appropriate levels of licence are permitted to operate transmitting
equipment that is not subject to a formal approvals procedure, and to
carry out technical investigations. A qualification for a Licence, or
the Licence itself, is not, repeat not, a qualification to specify,
design, construct, modify, repair, or own transmitting equipment.
See above.

[ ] Before sunrise on Friday, September 1st, 1939, Germany attacked
Poland at 4:45am, when the Battleship "Schleswig-Holstein", on a
so-called goodwill visit, opened fire on the Polish naval depot and
garrison at Westeplatte. World War II had begun. An hour later, first
German units crossed the Polish border. Britain entered the war two
days later. She did not repeat not start WWII.

[ ] Because the 'dimensions' of both sides of the Radar Range
Equation need a term having the units of square metres in order to
balance, references to ratios of these terms expressed in terms of
decibels does not repeat not imply that they are in themselves a ratio
of powers.

[ ] FM can be demodulated by an AM receiver using the 'Slope
Detection' method. Placing an NBFM signal entirely within a channel in
a channelised AM receiver is not repeat not Slope Detection.

[ ] A company's Returns Policy is not repeat not an admission that it
deliberately produces shoddy goods, no matter how well wrapped at the
time of purchase.

[ ] An IP Address in the headers of one's posts is not repeat not
Secret Information.

[ ] An exemplary driver is not repeat not one who makes an obscene
gesture to show that the other driver is an idiot.

[ ] An exemplary driver is not repeat not one who repeats an obscene
gesture to confirm that the other driver is an idiot.

[ ] XRC is not repeat not a suitable method of differentiating
between the 80 percent of metals that have FCC crystal structure.

[ ] Millimetre-waves are not repeat not generated by 'nuclear

[ ] The length of the day on this planet is not repeat not 23H20.

[ ] A spring/damper model is not repeat not a mechanical analogue of
a capacitor/inductor.

[ ] Dehumidifiers do not repeat not work by absorbing heat.

[ ] Gas Company piping is not repeat not blue in colour.

[ ] 1 deciBel is not repeat not equal to 10 Bels.

Aero Spike