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Old October 9th 05, 10:50 PM
Mike Ward
Posts: n/a

On 9 Oct 2005 00:59:42 GMT, "Jen Grier" wrote:

I'm the technician for WRMC, Moravian's intranet-only (only on campus)
streaming broadcast radio station. We'd like to go Internet-wide, but the
FCC site is quite confusing. Anyone have experience with the licensing
involved in the change? The technology end is ready, but I wouldn't want to
unleash us against the law, you know? We don't have any other licenses that
I know of at this time. Thank you for your input!

Forgive me, if I'm one of a hundred replies here...

You don't need a license to stream on the Internet. The FCC does not
regulate streaming audio.

What you WILL need is clearance from various rights groups, such as
the recording industry licensers (BMI, ASCAP, SESAC). That'll likely
cost the college money, for any copyrighted music that your station

You may also need to talk to these folks:

The following PDF file would seem to explain it...check near the
bottom of page four for your situation:

But I'd definitely go through your college's faculty advisor, and
through any NCE/college radio organization to which your over-air
station belongs...