"Jen Grier" wrote in message
Hello everyone!
I'm the technician for WRMC, Moravian's intranet-only (only on campus)
streaming broadcast radio station. We'd like to go Internet-wide, but the
FCC site is quite confusing. Anyone have experience with the licensing
involved in the change? The technology end is ready, but I wouldn't want
unleash us against the law, you know? We don't have any other licenses
I know of at this time. Thank you for your input!
- Jen Grier
WRMC Technician
license? license?! we don't need no stinking license!
the only license you need for internet broadcasting is the permission to use
the content that you are streaming. if this is music it means you need to
pay the appropriate per song royalties to the proper organization, which i
understand can be quite expensive. if its locally generated content you
should be good to go.