"Markus L" wrote in message
wrote in message
Well I shall just have to keep making occasional CQ calls on a regular
weekly basis in the hope that somebody somewhere will recognise the
sound and fire up their Clover terminal unit. Unfortunately my station
is very modest with at best an MFJ magnetic loop (horizontal) or a
7Mhz doublet (which is useable most bands) so I wouldn't ever
guarantee a signal into the USA but I will give it a go. Probably
14.065 5 LSB.
Thanks for the information.
Same story with PACTOR, very difficult to find partners for a live QSO.
of my PACTOR live QSOs (with a human at the other end) nowadays are skeds
with friends. You may want to contact some of the CLOVER BBSs listed here
verify your setup:
Being a fixed station (non-/mm) I'm mainly using the numerous (PACTOR)
to probe the propagation. Much better than monitoring beacons, because
it also tells you how your signal arrives over there.
Markus HB9BRJ / AE6MG
That list is very much out of date, 5 years old.
I have been off CLOVER for 4 years, same for N6IYA
(Who is now W6JWS).
... Hank