"K4YZ" wrote in message
ARRL Lab Manager is guest lecturer (Oct 12, 2005) --
A presentation will follow on the antenna modeling and measurement
techniques ARRL uses to assess interference from BPL. It will include a
description of test methods and a program through which radio amateurs
and others can contribute to a utility-industry project to assess BPL
What the heck. Why worry about BPL when everyone has
a home computer and printer and other accessories which use
crappy filtering and radiate RFI for 100 feet. Everytime my
neighbor uses his Lexmark printer I get hit by 10DB over S9
noise across 75 meters. More chinese made **** that likely
has fake FCC and/or UL/CSA certifications what radiate
noise worse than an old style diathermy machine.
Don't forget those DeWalt tools also. Their battery chargers
the drop-in types radiate more noise than any other device
in the house and they "meet" FCC Certs. Bull - crap they do!
(made in china also, as expected.....)
Forget BPL. The crappy consumer junk in place
RIGHT NOW is far worse and just about destroys HF reception.