I was seriously thinking of plunking down the $250 plus for the 40-foot
Wonderpole (
www.wonderpole.com) to support parallel dipoles (probably
gauge stranded copper wire dipoles cut for 80, 40, and 20 meters), fed
600 ohm open wire, but I am concerned about
: .....................
Dunno. Costs too much vs a standard push up mast, unless it
lets you avoid guys, and I sorta doubt that being the metal mast
does require them. The antenna wires can guy the top, but you may
need a set of mid point guys. Another problem...I prefer a metal
mast as far as a lightning return. I've taken strikes, and never have
problem with the metal masts. I assume a glass mast would be toast
unless you ran wires down it as a lightning return.
The only advantage I could see is it's non conductive as far as rf,
but in the real world, I've never once had a coupling problem from
using a metal mast to support wire antennas.