October 9th 04, 09:31 AM
Hola, Jose! Thanks for the info. That's a very informative page, lots
of great info about the FT-101 series -- technical AND historical!
In article , says...
Hello from Spain!
101Z and 101ZD models are lots different than 'plain' 101s. In fact,
they are closer to a 901 than to a 101 (I had a 101 and now have a 101ZD
and 901DM and have worken in all three :-) )
Best 101 is later series ZD, IMHO (and they use true RF finals!), but
they are perhaps not 'true' 101s
Check this very good page for lots of 101 series info:
Steve Silverwood wrote:
Thanks, Joe. Wasn't there a Z model?
-- //Steve//
Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA