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Old October 15th 05, 04:58 PM
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Default Another Humiliating Toddism. Now Charitable Donations are "Pecuniary Interest"

Wantonly copied from the foul mouth of Todd "Do Me Again Mommy"


Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Pencuniary Interest pt 2. The ARRL at it again

Why doesn't the ####ing FCC go after them?? it seems to me that the
ARRL and the Fascist Communication Commission (FCC) are butt buddies or
at lease giving each other knob jobs. If Glenn Baxter is to fined by
the FCC, then they should fine the ARRL, but hey the FASCIST
(ARRL) are butt buddies.

Federal Grant Augments "Ham Aid" Fund for Hurricane Volunteers

NEWINGTON, CT, Sep 27, 2005--The Corporation for National and Community
Service (CNCS) will provide the ARRL with an additional $77,000 to
support Amateur Radio operators volunteering in the field in the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The latest grant augments the recent
$100,000 CNCS made available immediately following the Katrina
disaster. The grant money, supplemented by contributions from
individual donors, will subsidize "Ham Aid," a new League program to
help defray out-of pocket expenses of Amateur Radio volunteers deployed
in the field in disaster-stricken areas.


What do you want the FCC to go after here, Todd?

In what drunken stupor were you when you suggested that the FCC
"go after" the ARRL because of a grant rendered to them to support
volunteer responders?

You need to stop using words and phrases that you obviously have
no understanding of.

Steve, K4YZ