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Old October 10th 04, 03:31 PM
Posts: n/a

According to my research, the total number of 520-1500 kc units produced was
around 30,000. Compare that to 450,000 beacon receivers; 190-550 kc, the
ones that amateurs used as the Q-5'er described in QST December 1947. Sets
that covered 3-6 mc and 6-9.1 mc had around 200,000 produced each, those
covering 1.5-3 mc had a production run of about 50,000.

Rarer still are the units covering 9-13.5 mc - 46 sets, 13.5-20 mc and 20-27
mc only 150 sets built.

I would have paid up to $200 for a 520-1500 kc unit in top conditon.

I cleaned out my collection of Command Sets about 10 years ago---I had
nearly every component of that communication/navigation equipments. Nearly
everything was gotten rid of but I kept a couple receivers and transmitters
and a couple of unused XM-108'S ( MY CHALLENGE TO THE COMMAND SET COLLECTOR;
WHO KNOWS WHAT AN XM-108 IS?). I couldn't see myself selling it to hams who
would probably strip them down for the tuning capacitors so I donated it all
to a warbird restoration outfit where they have been outfitted in such
aircraft as the B-25.

The collection was part of a research project started 20 years ago to be
followed by an article on the history of the Command Set.


Brian Hill wrote in message
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