About lightning etc...
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September 28th 05, 11:26 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a
About lightning etc...
**PolyPhasers do work
Maybe they do,,,against surges and buildups and the like. I found
nothing claiming they protect against a direct strike of lightning..
They have done a good job of protecting all
the broadcast equipment I have installed over
the years
Yea, protected from surges, buildups, etc. These products can work great
for "nearby" zaps etc., but not a direct strike.
and they have protected many ham and CB
rigs also.
Not from a direct strike they didn't. Protection that is supposed to
shunt sometimes fail because of the reaction time. Other times the
entire unit fries. I have yet to see a single product on the market that
claims their product will offer total protection against a direct strike
of lightning. Companies will make claims like their product is the best,
or the latest technology or the most affordable ot offers the most
protection, but none offer complete.
Play it safe. Disconnect during the storm. It's the best advice for the
average hammie/cb'er.
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