If you have access to an attic a J-Pole antenna is ideal. I made one several
years ago for a total cost of around $11. and it worked fine for local and
DX. Dipoles are great especially for DX however fall short on local
communications. Google and you'll find plenty of instructions and designs.
Another suggestion would be to eBay a antenna tuner, preferably one of the
MFJ's. A single wire and counterpoise works great.
"Buther Boy" wrote in message
I won't be running a lot of power with this antenna - 1.5 watts AM and
5 watts SSB. But with the radio I'm using, you can modify it with
software, to transmit from 1-470 mhz, minus a few places.
Here's some reviews on the miracle whip:
Buther Boy
On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:14:57 -0400, Vinnie S.
On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 02:58:39 -0500, Buther Boy wrote:
On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 22:44:50 -0400, Vinnie S.
On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:21:43 -0500, Buther Boy wrote:
What do you think would work better in this situation, a back of the
set Radio Shack antenna or a tunable tip rubber duck antenna? With
both antennas, I wonder about SWR. Will be testing both in a week or
Neither. You won't get around the block with either of those antennas.
with the dipole. You will do fine with the dipole.
Vinnie S.
Due to restrictions of living in a condo, I had to settle on a
somewhat "compromised" antenna, which I purchased a few days ago. I
went ahead and ordered the miracle whip antenna, which while it is a
compromise on 11 meter, provides me with the ability to "fairly"
accurately pull in short wave broadcasts among other things. I don't
know if anyone here on the board would ever use an antenna like the
miracle whip, but it certainly will do the trick for my application,
albeit a bit of a compromise on 11 meter.
Buther Boy
Not familiar qith that. The receive is not as critical on an antenna, as
transmitting on it. If you want to talk skip or DX, the dipole is the way
go. And if you are in a urban area, you can get locals too. I don't think
whip will be any good, if you are going to transmit on it.
Vinnie S.
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