Thanks, Bob. The nicads were missing and the compartment corroded when I
got it. I assumed a 9v battery was the backup, but obviously I was wrong!
"Bob Parnass" wrote in message

On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 18:07:24 -0400, John KB5AG wrote:
.. And, I can't get the backup battery to do anything other than die
in a day, so something's wrong there.
Any help appreciated.
john KB5AG
The K-500 was designed to use four rechargeable
AA NiCd batteries for memory backup. The scanner must remain connected
to a voltage source for several hours to keep the batteries charged.
Inspect the batteries once in a while to make sure they haven't
leaked. Another caveat is that plastic battery holder inside the radio
can crack due to pressure from the spring contacts. Mine cracked.
================================================== =======================
Bob Parnass, AJ9S GNU/Linux User