"Glenan" wrote in
Hi all:
I just purchased my first scanner in hopes of getting into a new
hobby. With this in mind, I will apologize in advance if some of my
questions seem "elementary"
I am also interested in aviation but cannot seem to locate a good
listing of airport frequencies. I am assuming that airports all
operate on one specific frequency for a great deal of their
communications with the aircraft. Could someone please give me these
frequencies or direct me to a website where I could get them?
Also, I have been told that purchasing a frequency "guide" would be a
waste of my money. Could I please have your opinion that would
include a good source of frequencies?
I live in South Florida, Broward county to be exact, and would also be
interested in a local "club".
Thank you in advance fir any help you may be able to give me.
Don't mined the ass hole's Glenn, theirs at least 4 or 5 in every news
group.. They have no life so they razzz people to make them selfs look
big.. Just set your news reader to ignore them.. And to answer your
quest this might help.
If you need any other help just ask us at
http://www.scannertesting.com We are happy to help a novice in the hobby