Emergency Alert: Hate Bill Could Be Approved Any Minute.
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September 28th 05, 05:14 PM
[email protected]
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Emergency Alert: Hate Bill Could Be Approved Any Minute.
There is that Michael guy (I don't remember his last name just now) who
said on his radio talk show in D.C.that Islam is an organization of
terrorism.He got fired and later hired at a radio station I think in
California.What we are seeing in America nowdays is the death knell of
free speech radio.And it is happening during the bush administration
too.fed govt is protecting those gay faggots and muslims in America,but
let a radio talk show host get on radio and say something agains't
them,and the radio talk show host probally will get fired.Muslims in
American public schools can and do have their "praying to allah" in the
schools with their behinds pointing to the East,but let American
children in public schools have open prayer to GOD and,,,, oh noooooo,,,
that's a big NO NO! fed govt is in bed with the terrorist and the sad
thing is most Americans do not know it.
.................................................. ..............................
Canada has a hate crime law probably written by the New World Order
crowd who are supplying the text for the US law as well as Australia
and Britain, among others. While the law seems reasonable in that no
group should be signaled out for hate, the devil is in the details. For
example, clergymen can no longer read out
Romans I: 26 and 27 as this can be construed as attacking one group.
For convenience, the offending text follows: 26 "Because of this, God
gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural
relationships for unnatural ones. 27. In the same way the men also
abandoned natural relationships with women and were inflamed with lust
for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and
received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."
Churches that commit this hate crime by reading out this passage
from the Bible are liable to lose their tax-exempt status so general
compliance with the law is the norm. The passage seems clear enough to
me. I expect that publishers of Bibles will be under pressure to delete
the offending passage so in a few decades it will cease to be an issue.
I note that the Pope is planning a tour of Catholic seminaries to root
out all homosexuals. I wonder if he will be charged with a hate crime.
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