Hammarlund HQ-170
I got a Hammarlund HQ-170. Not the Hammarlund HQ-170A. I am not sure
what the (A) stands for or what is the differences in these models.
The radio is big and it works. I do not have any instructions for it
yet. But I was able to buy a manual, which should come to me sometime soon.
The radio is very sensitive. And it has no speaker. I am using a small
speaker and sometimes headphones. Sometimes it can over power the
speaker and headphones
When I pick up a signal, say a voice, it does not sound as clear. The
sound need to be better clarified. Although I play around with the
buttons, and try to figure out how to better tune in a signal.
The radio has no volume button, so I use the NOISE LIMITER button and RF
botton to adjust the volume acordingly.
There is a AF button but I am not sure what it does. When I bring it up
the signal get stronger.
There is a ANTENNA button, I guess that works like a antenna turner.
Which I also use the MFJ 956. I wonder if I could use them both?
I am not sure what the SLOT/FREG and the SLOT DEPTH buttons are for.
The radio has a few terminal screws in the rear. (A, A, G, 6m and SPKR)
I have two alagator clips on A and A and to a PL 259 coax connector then
too my MFJ 956 tuner then to my antenna switcher then to my homebrew 90
feet coil dipole or to my 8 foot fiberglass whip.
I have the G (I guess this is for gound), on a clamp and to my radiator
6m must be for the 50 MHZ! VHF
SPKR is this for 2 speakers or 1?
I plan to find a way to add a rear female coax connector to the back of
the radio so I could better connect it to a PL259 coax.
I wonder if their is a way to add a frequency counter to this radio?
Their is one button missing. Their is a small piece of metal sticking
out under the clock. Is their a way I could set the clock?
Behind the clock their is a rod in the inside and it reaches the back
with a hole. Maybe that is the way to set the clock. Their is another
hole like that on the other side on the SLOT FREQ side. But I do not
see a rod behind it. It their suppose to be one?
Also I notice a few holes in the back and inside a plasic you can turn
with a scew driver. Not sure what that is for.
I hope I could find extra tubes and fused should I ever need them.
And I wonder how others who have this radio feel about it?
73, SR!