Frank Dresser wrote:
"K3HVG" wrote in message
I'm sure I do, assuming you're talking the Hallicrafters S-40/40B. I
can scan the page and send it to you. Give me til tomorrow eve and I'll
get it to you. Jeep/K3HVG
I have both the Sam's and Hallicrafters service information for my S-40A,
and the dial cord diagram on each was wrong for my radio. I had to cross
the dial cord at the bandspread cap to get the tuning knob, the bandspread
dial and tuning knob to get into agreement. I say it was incorrect for my
radio, because it looked like the diagram would have been correct if the
bandspread dial were calibrated in the opposite direction. Anyway, I can be
more specific if the original poster runs into the same problem.
Frank Dresser
I agree with this and maybe it was Frank who helped me out with mine.
All of the available data seemed to be incorrect and crossing the BS
cord was required on my set.