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Old October 22nd 04, 10:06 PM
Roger and Ute Brown
Posts: n/a

I have used the same method utilizing artists oil paint (white or black).
It is particularly good for deeply engraved lettering. It dries very hard
and looks great. The trick is to let it dry for about three days prior to
attempting to clean up the smearing around the lettering. It will come off
easily with light strokes from a cloth dampened with paint thinner and not
affect the paint in the groves of the engraving. I just smear a little on
with my finger while rubbing it deeply into the groves. Looks great and
will not wear with years of use. I have used this method in the restoration
many engraved radio panels and HRO main tuning dial divisions.

Roger, KL7Q

Francesco Sartorello wrote in
message ...
Hello everybody,
my SP600-JX29 would appreciate a repainted and relettered panel

any suggestion about whom could do this?
Thanks again
Francesco Sartorello