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Old September 16th 03, 09:51 AM
Roger Halstead
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 12:49:16 -0400, "Peter Gottlieb"

Thanks for everyone's input. After two months of this interference, it has
just moved and is no longer a problem for the channels I need to use. So,
although it is still present, I no longer need to locate its source.


"Dave VanHorn" wrote in message

You know those old WWII movies where you see German vans with DF eqpt
driving around trying to locate spies? Turns out they were HF units.

it took three of them, in widely separated locations acting in unison to

It normally only takes two, but three does make it a bit more
accurate. Remember to use the null, rather than peak and if the
offender stays on for long you can do a creditable job of finding them
in 15 to 20 minutes.

We had a big field intensity rig (Singer) at work to measure field
strength and check for RFI (leaks). When you spend a lot of time with
those things you get to the point where you can take readings in a
hurry. Two units within a couple miles of a station should find it
in about 5 minutes if using APRS.

Roger Halstead (K8RI EN73 & ARRL Life Member)
N833R World's oldest Debonair? (S# CD-2)

the job done. And, the triangulation wasn't precise. It took lots of

and effort to narrow in on the general location of a spy sending.

combine an hf loop, with aprs, and you'll be amazed how effective it is.
aprs will allow your hounds to share their info easily.
you get the location of the other stations, on a map, plus your own, and

the bearing data.