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Old October 2nd 05, 10:08 PM
kan't stand ya
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Default Great Liberty Net 3.931

Dan? how close are they to kicking off?

Stuart Orange wrote:
"Dan/W4NTI" wrote in message

They got run off of 3950 a few years back by WA9KJI and his crowd of

Given the choice between KJI and his retards and the Liberty Net....I


chose the Liberty Net.


Their still around Dan. (ain't that amazing?) KJI can still be heard
occasionally in the daytime usually weekdays on 14.313 although
he's not as active as he used to be allegedly due to health reasons.
On Sat nights ole 'Sid the Lid' K5BLB and his crew out west hold fort on
3.947.5 each and every Saturday night to obstensivly bloc Vic from
running the Lib Net starting on that freq, or just below their old home of
3.950 which is now occupied nightly by a group in the Southeast.

It's an ongoing soap opera Dan. One of the last few on 75 Meters in fact!
My guess is it will keep going on until all the protagionists on both
sides are either 6' under the earth, or dottering in pajamas in a nursing
someplace talking to itheir maginary pets and pink elephants on the

(good glub aye LOVE ham radio, it's so f-n predictable even though
it's on it's last gasps of technological and usefull life)