Thread: Bushes Fault
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Old October 3rd 05, 09:39 AM
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Default Bushes Fault

Dan wrote:
I have seen that water is a big killer in our society.
More under age kids die from drowning than from gun play.
And just look what it has done recently in the south.
I think Bush has a moral obligation to ban water with a executive order and
save us all.
If he does nothing about this killer water then it is his fault due to
Oh yeah,
I have to work tomorrow and that is Bushes fault also.
I will think of a reason later.


Presumably, this (failure of an) analogy intends to liken water with

The problem with this failure of an analogy, is that water is almost
never lethal and is even less often used as a weapon, and it would not
be particularly socially dangerous if people carried spray-bottles of
water around for self-defense. :P

Yeah, his analogy was silly, but then any analogy between a beverage
and a device specifically engineered to kill, would have to be
suspicious. :P

So sco no impact in any argument for or against gun control.
Absolutely irrelevent to answering that question.

Let's talk about the responsibility of the head of government to make
sure EVERYTHING works at all levels of government, and to protect us
from forseeable dangers like Hurricane Katrina, with a great deal more
competency than was seen inside FEMA and out.

When the whole system fails, as it did spectacularly in New Orleans,
THEY (all the way up to Bush) MUST be held accountable as well.
(Unless you want us to be unprepared again when a similar threat
emerges in the future. Then by all means, let the Executive branch
slither out of their part of responsibility for purely political
reasons and believe the spin that it's just a few terrible Democrats in
Louisiana that caused the entire system to fail, including many
documented FEMA failures. Show us all you care more about your party
and ideology than you do American and Americans and more about the past
than the future.

Don't let the Feds avoid instituting safeguards like DRILLS to verify
that all the states are on-board and ready, and find and iron out all
the kinks by practicing *before* an emergency happens?

FEMA pre-Bush was competent. Now it has demonstrated a tendency for
incompetence. We need to fix it, and Bush has to be held responsible
for not protecting the homeland better, most especially as he tries to
claim somehow that he has made America safer... a crazy claim when
compared against actual statistics on terror attack totals, but one the
neocons refuse to give up.

So sad, we're so far off track as a nation. It's so bad, 2/3 of us
actually sense it's off track. And it's as much Bush's fault as any
other person in America today.

So yeah, blame Bush.