Advertising on Shortwave
"NewsGuy" wrote in message
It would be great if people wrote about their thoughts on advertising
on shortwave. How effective is it?
Some shows have been on SW radio for years, so I guess SW radio advertising
is effective enough for that. SW advertising might be effective, but I
doubt it's lucrative. SW radio time is cheap.
I've only heard the odd survivalist merchandise and shortwave parts
dealer advertising on shows. Are there others?
The biggest "advertisers" on SW are preachers asking for donations. Quack
medicine shows are also commonly heard.
How can people know the number of listeners they have on shortwave?
They don't have to know. It's not like big time radio in which a station
hustles up advertisers and prices based on ratings. The commercial SW radio
stations sell the air time directly to the producers of the radio show.
It's up to those who come up with the show to also come up with the money.
If people send them money, the pitch is working. Non-contributing
listerners, such as myself, don't do the SW host a damn bit of good, anyway.
Etc, etc...
There were a couple of attempts to start advertiser supported SW stations in
recent history. KUSW came and went, almost in the blink of an eye. WRNO
held out longer but it was supporting itself by selling programming long
before it faded away.
Frank Dresser