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Old October 27th 04, 07:00 AM
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"-exray" wrote in message
OH YEAH wrote:

shown, which did prove you wrong - TO A POINT - but not entirely. It
still doesn't mean they do "scrutinize" ALL e-mails. Maybe some. I will
agree, to a point it is canned. . I'm not saying you are completely wrong
or I'm completely correct.. The system isn't the greatest, we can both
agree on that. But it is all they offer! So, we deal with it.

Well clearly they want the things reported to them so they can get the
header info and have the bogus sites shut down as rapidly as possible. And
they seem to do a good job of that. I wonder what kind of SWAT team they
have that can get a page pulled on a server in Romania within hours?
Maybe we should send THEM after Osama!

Its still disingenuous and misleading for me, you, them or anybody else to
suggest that the answer might be anything other "its not from us". Next
thing ya know the phishers will start sending out bogus replies saying
"yes, that was us, please log in and give us your info".

Some people have a hard time understanding the level of fraud that exists
on the internet. I knew a lady on another forum who got bitten TWICE with
those phony Microsoft emails that told you to delete such and such file.
When she got chastised for doing it the second time her response was "Why
would Microsoft send me phony emails?". She just didn't get it. I guess
ebay has an overdose of that mentality around which they have to tailor
their procedures.


Points well taken and I couldn't agree more.