Thread: IRLP Station FS
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Old October 1st 05, 02:47 AM
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Default IRLP Station FS

I ahve a IRLP station that I would like to put up for sale.This system is on
line and has been since 2004.It has a Acer computer sytem running the Linux
Red Hat 9 and version 3.0 IRLP board with all the wires needed to hook to a
Yaesu radio such as the FT-7100 or FT-1500 radios and some others.It was
used up till today on the 145.130 repeater in Gloucester,Mass.If anyone is
interested,it can be tested at anytime on any repeater.It is currently on
147.49 simplex in Gloucester now.I will sell the system less the radio for
$200.00.I can be reached at 978-281-3359 or email me at .

73 N1RSP
Grid 42
IRLP Node # 4162
The Home of The Perfect Storm