FS: Yaeso FT-530 HT 2m/440cm
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October 5th 05, 03:57 AM
Robert Kubichek
Posts: n/a
Yaeso FT-530 HT 2m/440cm
There is one right now on Ebay going for $91. Even with all the
accessories, plus a 10/10 shape, you will be lucky to get
$200 tops for it seeing it is a few years out of production...
John P Vassel wrote:
Have you seen the new dual band ht's? DC to daylight for 255 tops.
Sure not all the used batteries or a mic, but certainly those could be had
for the other 250 bucks.
Your price on the 736 is very fair.. this ht kinda confuses me.
Can't say that I have. Then again I haven't kept up on it. I am
selling this for another ham that's going out of the hobby. I'm
discussing with him lowering it to the 300-350 range as it will
probably be closer to what it's worth on the current market.
de Don
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